Privacy & Cookie Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines what information we collect from you, what we do with it, who we share it with and your rights in relation to it.

We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We do this so that we can serve you with the necessary information, support and advice, relevant to your needs and interest.

If at any point in time you have any questions in relation to this Policy, please address these in the first instance to:

Privacy Team at Laser Wire Solutions Ltd, QED Centre, Main Ave, Treforest Industrial Estate, Pontypridd CF37 5YR, South Wales, United Kingdom; telephone +44 1443 841738 or email

It is important that the data we collect about you is accurate and up to date. Therefore, please keep us informed of any changes in terms of the data you have provided us in the course of our interactions and performance of contract with you.

Last updated 21/12/2022.

What Information is Collected?

Types of information we may collect about you are as follows:

  • Identity data: first name, last name, maiden name (where appropriate), marital status, title, gender.
  • Contact data: includes telephone numbers, email address, billing and delivery addresses, Skype and social media IDs.
  • Financial data: bank account details (where applicable).
  • Advice data: information you have disclosed to us in order to obtain practical and technical advice from us (this can include Non-Disclosure Agreements).
  • Transaction data: products and services you/your employer has purchased from us.
  • Technical data: includes internet protocol (IP) address, and details of devices you use to access information on our website.
  • Usage data: includes information on how you use our website, products and services.
  • Marketing and Communications data: this includes your preferences in receiving marketing materials from us and your communication preferences.
  • Servicing data: this includes information on what we have installed and serviced on your behalf and our ongoing support of that equipment, hardware and software.

How is this Information Collected?

The above information may come from:

  • You, when you communicate with us via e-mail, phone or our website (our website uses cookies and an integrated analytics platform).
  • A nominated representative of your employer.
  • Third parties or publicly available sources, including another client or service provider who has referred you to us and has obtained your consent to do so.
  • Your digital devices.
  • Your ongoing interactions with us, including information you voluntarily share with us.
  • Credit reference agencies and approved company listings.
  • Marketing lists we’ve bought or rented from third parties, which contain the consent of listed individuals to receive marketing materials from us.
  • Identity and contact data from publicly available and consent driven sources, including Companies House in the UK and social media channels, such as LinkedIn.

Website Cookies

Our website has cookies enabled in order for us to collect functional data so that we can improve your browser experience and deliver tailored content and the best possible service.

If you sign up for our mailing list on the website or use our online contact form, your contact details are delivered directly to us via our Content Management System (CMS) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. This means that your cookie data is not retained on the website.

Website Analytics
We collate anonymous data on visitors to our website. This gives us insight into which pages are performing better in terms of visibility, relevance and interest. The purpose is to steer us in the right direction to generate new content that addresses the needs of our visitors.

Use of Information
The EU General Data Protection Regulations or GDPR (legally in force from 25th May 2018), permits us to use your personal information provided we have a legal basis for doing so. The following table outlines how we use your information and the legal basis for doing so:

How we may use your information Legal bases
– Verify your identity and any other information you’ve provided us.
– Manage your account(s) with us.
– Improve the relevance of marketing and service messages we may send you.
– Analyse, assess and improve our services to customers.
– Prepare anonymised statistical reports from information about you and other customers to help us manage our business better.
– To establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
Legitimate interest:
– Developing and providing new products and services our customers will find beneficial.
– Protecting our customers from unnecessary risks.
– Preventing fraud and money laundering to protect our business.
– Protecting us and our customers against harm to our collective rights and interests.
– Verify your identity and any other information you’ve provided us.
– Regulatory reporting
To comply with a legal obligation, e.g.:
– UK/EU/UN sanctions (which prohibit us from providing products to certain individuals).
– Rules and regulations imposed by HMRC.
– Verify your identity and any other information you’ve provided us.
– Manage your account with us.
To satisfy our obligations under our agreement with you, e.g.:
– Responding to your queries.
– Allowing us to provide the products or services you’ve requested.

Sharing Your Information
We do not share your information with any third party unless:

  1. That party is involved within the scope of supply of our products and services to you.
  2. That party is involved in upholding and enforcing any laws applicable in this country and the countries we trade with.

Examples of parties we may share with include:

  • Credit reference and fraud prevention agencies.
  • Government authorities and regulators, e.g. the police.
  • Collection agencies and lawyers to help us collect any funds you/your employer may owe us.
  • Our suppliers, sub-contractors and third-party data processors (whose data protection practices and policies we vet beforehand).

We categorically do not share your data with any marketing agency or list broker.

Opting Out
You can request us to stop sending you marketing communications at any time. Please send your request to

By opting out of receiving such marketing messages, this will not apply to our communications with you in direct relation to a product or service purchase.

Data Security
We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorized way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.

Retaining Your Information
We keep your information on file for up to six years after your final transaction with us and after you cease to be a customer of ours. This is in order to comply with our regulatory obligations and to establish, exercise or defend any legal claims.

International Transfers
Our website domain is registered in the USA and some of your personal data may be captured there and then transferred to us.

Your Legal Rights
You have the right to:

  • Request access: to your personal data (also known as a data subject access request). This allows you to receive a copy of the personal data we hold about you and that you have provided us and to check that we are processing it in a lawful manner. There is no longer a fee associated with this SAR request.
  • Request correction: of the personal data we hold about you. This allows you to correct and update any data we hold on you, albeit we may need to verify the accuracy of the new data you provide to us.
  • Request erasure: of your personal data. This means you can ask us to delete or have your personal data removed if there is no justifiable reason for us to continue processing it or you wish to exercise your right to object to us processing it (see below). Please note that we may not always be able to comply with this request if it is in violation of any law applicable at the time of the request.
  • Object to processing: of your personal data, if you feel that you have a legitimate claim for us not processing it or you object on the grounds of us processing the data for direct marketing purposes. In the former case, we may ask for evidence of a legitimate reason for your objection.
  • Request restriction of processing: of your personal data. You can ask us to suspend processing of your data when i) you want us to establish the data’s accuracy; ii) where our use of the data is unlawful but you do not want to erase it; iii) you need us to hold the data longer than is legally required by us in order for you to pursue or defend a legal claim; or iv) you have objected to our use of your data but need us to verify whether we have an overriding legitimate claim for using it.
  • Request the transfer: of your personal data to you or to a third party. In this event we will provide you, or the third party you have elected, your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-legible format.
  • Withdraw consent at any time: where we are relying on consent to process your personal data. However, this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before you withdraw your consent. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide certain products or services to you. We will advise you if this is the case at the time you withdraw your consent.

We will respond within the legal timeframes as set out by the GDPR guidelines and regulations.