
Experience the assurance of having a dedicated ally in advanced medical devices.

From micro fine catheter wires to MRI enamel coils, we specialize in laser wire stripping machinery that handles medical wires and cables with ease.

Find Out What Lasers Can Do

Suitable for OEMs specializing in cardiovascular ablation, mapping catheters, neurovascular pull wires, bone ablation.

  • Enamel
  • Polyimide
  • Polyester – sizes 0.020-0.20mm (<40 AWG)
  • Stainless steel
  • Bonded enamel wires
  • Bifilar
  • Multifilar


  • Copper
  • Monel
  • Gold coated

Test Our Machines For Your Application

Send us a free sample of your micro-fine wire to put our technology to the test for your application.

Explore Medical Wire Stripping Products

The right solution depends on your application, our team can advise on the most appropriate.

Odyssey-4 Odyssey-4.3 O4 O4.3 Suitable for multiple small gauge enamel wires 30 AWG and smaller. Popular for catheter wires, various model types available to suit your requirements.


Best suited to stripping enamels, such as polyimide from small gauge wires from 30 AWG down to 58 AWG. Using a specially designed fixture plate.
Odyssey-8 laser wire stripping machine. The most compact laser wire stripper available. Suitable for single conductor, twisted pair, and bifilar down to 50AWG.


The most compact laser wire stripper available. Suitable for single conductor, twisted pair, and bifilar down to 50AWG. Wires are inserted by hand.
Gemini-4 laser wire stripping machine suitable for enamel wires and cables. Its robust fiber laser technology, making it ideal for tasks such as shield cutting and enamel ablation, suitable for wire diameters up to 2mm.


Gemini-4 is best suited to MRI and high value coil applications processing enamels, polyimide, and micro-coax shields with ease.