EWPTE Milwaukee Expo Roundup

May 15, 2014 11:44 AM

Laser Wire Solutions attended the 2014 Electrical Wire Processing Expo again, this year demonstrating the Company’s Mercury 1 wire stripper. “It was an excellent show;”, explained Tony Steel – Business Development manager, “The Wire Expo attracts engineers from right across the industry and gives a very focused event”. The 2 day Expo, held in Milwaukee, WI is dedicated to manufacturers of Electrical Wire Processing Equipment.

“We had a lot of interest from a variety of sectors;”, added Paul Taylor, CEO, “This was our busiest show to date. Having the Mercury 1 on the stand, and being able to process Customers’ samples right there and then is a powerful demo. And even though the Mercury 1 is just the entry level model, it is useful to introduce people to laser wire stripping if they haven’t seen it up close before”.

The show attracted record attendances and generated a large number of leads with a number orders confirmed on the day.

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